Career Services is offering the following workshops for the week of Monday, October 19:
New Fall 2015 Walk-in Hours:
Where: Hermann Hall, Room 113
Description: Our hours have changed. We are now open for walk-ins Wednesday through Friday from 12:30-4:30 p.m. Staff will see students on a first-come, first-served basis. To make an appointment to see a career coach outside of walk-in hours, email
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
4:30-5:30 p.m.
Resume Workshop
Where: Perlstein Hall, Room 108
Description: Career Services staff members have looked at hundreds upon hundreds of student resumes and cover letters. They know which ones will lead to successful opportunities within your particular industry, and which ones will go directly into the “circular file” (trash). If you know your resume or cover letter needs help or haven’t had it reviewed by a professional before, this is a very good opportunity to get specific pointers on creating strong resumes and cover letters from professionals in Career Services. If this is you, or if you are having a hard time getting your resume or cover letter accepted in Jobs4Hawks, we will see you at the Resume and Cover Letter workshop.
Thursday, October 22, 2015
4:30-5:30 p.m.
Cover Letter Workshop
Where: Siegal Hall, Room 202
Description: Career Services staff members have looked at hundreds upon hundreds of student resumes and cover letters. They know which ones will lead to successful opportunities within your particular industry, and which ones will go directly into the “circular file” (trash). If you know your resume or cover letter needs help or haven’t had it reviewed by a professional before, this is a very good opportunity to get specific pointers on creating strong resumes and cover letters from professionals in Career Services. If this is you, or if you are having a hard time getting your resume or cover letter accepted in Jobs4Hawks, we will see you at the Resume and Cover Letter workshop.
Friday, October 23, 2015
12:50-1:40 p.m.
Got the Job Offer? Now What? Workshop
Where: Perlstein Hall, Room 109
Description: If you have a job offer: congratulations. In your excitement, you may be tempted to accept the job on the spot. The way you accept a job will set the tone for your career, so it is important to take the time to go over all of the details first. There are many components to compensation packages beyond the salary, like hours, healthcare plans, retirement packages, vacation time, and more. It can be overwhelming, especially if it is your first job. This workshop will present information on accepting a job and understanding the different kinds of benefits, including perks and red flags.
Mark your calendars for this event:
Electrical Industry Career Fair
Monday, November 2, 2015
4-7 p.m. | Hermann Hall
Illinois Tech students and alumni are invited to attend this Career Fair. Employers are seeking candidates in business and marketing, construction management, electrical engineering, manufacturing/engineering, and supply chain management.
RSVP here. (An RSVP is requested but not required).
Open exclusively to Illinois Tech students and alumni. Please dress professionally. Find more information and a list of companies on our website.
Career Services at Illinois Tech
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