If you’ve seen the car commercial featuring Marty Cooper’s early cellphone technology or would like to learn more about the technological progress of the cell phone, Galvin Library is currently hosting a collection of mobile phones on display on the upper level. On Friday, February 20 and Monday, March 2 from 12:45-1:40 p.m., the collection’s owner, Dennis Roberson, vice provost for research at IIT and former executive vice president and chief technology officer at Motorola, will lead attendees through the collection, explaining the technology, the prototypes, and describing the relationship between Illinois Tech and Motorola. Tours will meet on the upper level of Galvin Library and last approximately 45 minutes plus time for questions. Space is limited to 25 so RSVP to save your place now.
RSVP for Friday, February 20, 12:45-1:40 p.m. here.
RSVP for Monday, March 2, 12:45-1:40 p.m. here.