What: Computing at the Argonne National Laboratory
When: Noon–4PM, February 18, 2020
Where: Stuart Building
Valerie Taylor (Distinguished Fellow, MCS Director) and Michael Papka (Senior Scientist, CELS Deputy director, ALCF Director) from Argonne National Laboratory will visit Illinois Tech to discuss various CELS research projects and possible collaborations.
The divisions comprising the Computing, Environment and Life Sciences (CELS) directorate conduct research in Biosciences, Computational Science, Data Science and Learning, Environmental Science, and Mathematics and Computer Science. Their research includes data analysis and artificial intelligence, optimization, partial differential equations, system software for extreme-scale computing, fundamental molecular mechanisms of life, natural and human-managed environmental systems, quantum computing, and biology robotics.
Lunch and a plenary presentation will be followed by topical discussions:
12–12:45pm Lunch in SB #233
12:45–1:45pm Seminar in SB #111: “Computing at Argonne”
2–2:30pm HPC/Systems/Security topical discussion in SB #233
2:30–3pm ML/AI/Theory topical discussion at SB #233
3–3:30pm Applied Math group discussion at SB #233
3:30–4pm Sciences and Engineering group discussion at SB #233
All faculty, post-docs and research students are invited.
For further information, please contact Prof. Zhiling Lan at lan@iit.edu.