The Department of Defense (DoD) Psychological Health/Traumatic Brain Injury Research Program (PH/TBIRP), managed by the Office of Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP), has released funding opportunities for the following areas:
- Complex Traumatic Brain Injury Rehabilitation Research – Clinical Research Award (CTRR-CRA)
- Complex Traumatic Brain Injury Rehabilitation Research – Clinical Trial Award (CTRR-CTA)
- Complex Traumatic Brain Injury Rehabilitation Research – Clinical Trial Development Award (CTRR-CTDA)
Detailed descriptions of the funding opportunity, evaluation criteria, and submission requirements can be found in the Program Announcements on the CDMRP website. Deadlines vary.
If you are interested in applying for this funding opportunity, please contact OSRP. Completed proposals are due in OSRP at least two business days prior to the deadline set by the sponsor.