ECE Research Seminar Series: ‘Error-Tolerant E-Discovery Protocols’

The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering will continue its Seminar Series on Thursday, February 29, 2024 from 12:45–1:45 pm in Siegel Hall, room 118, featuring guest speaker Dr. Liren Shan, Research Assistant Professor at Toyota Technological Institute of Chicago, giving a talk titled “Error-Tolerant E-Discovery Protocols.”

Dr. Shan will talk about consider the multi-party classification problem introduced by Dong, Hartline, and Vijayaraghavan (2022) in the context of electronic discovery (e-discovery). Based on a request for production from the requesting party, the responding party is required to provide documents that are responsive to the request except for those that are legally privileged. The goal is to find a protocol that verifies that the responding party sends almost all responsive documents while minimizing the disclosure of non-responsive documents.

This seminar is open to everyone at Illinois Tech. For more information regarding this seminar, please contact the ECE Department at 312.567.3400 or