Professor Evelyn Brody accepted the 2018 Distinguished Achievement in Leadership and Nonprofit and Voluntary Action Research Award from ARNOVA during the organization’s 47th annual conference, held November 15–17, 2018, in Austin, Texas.
ARNOVA, the Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action, is a leading interdisciplinary community of people dedicated to fostering through research and education, the creation, application and dissemination of knowledge on nonprofit organizations, philanthropy, civil society, and voluntary action.
“The honor I receive today from ARNOVA is the capstone of my academic career,” Brody said in her acceptance speech. “To my many dear friends here—giants on whose shoulders I stand; peers; and emerging scholars in the study of nonprofits—I thank you for the opportunity to say ‘thank you.’ Thank you with all my heart.”
At the conference, two panels discussed Brody’s ideas and scholarship including one panel titled “The Lasting Impact of Nonprofit Law Icon: Professor Evelyn Brody.” Participants included speakers from Brooklyn Law School, the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation, and the law schools of University College Dublin, Fordham University, University of Liverpool (UK), University of Wisconsin–Madison, Yale/Hofstra and York University (Toronto).
Brody is a prolific author and speaker on a variety of legal, economic, and social issues affecting individuals, businesses, and nonprofit organizations. A member of the American Law Institute since 2002, Brody served as the reporter for the ALI’s Project on Principles of the Law of Nonprofit Organizations until 2013 and continues to serve the project as consultant. In April 2006 Brody was named Academic Nonprofit Lawyer of the Year by the Nonprofit Corporations Committee of the American Bar Association’s Section on Business Law.
Brody is an affiliated scholar with the Urban Institute’s Center on Nonprofits and Philanthropy. She has served as secretary of the ABA Section on Taxation (2003–05) and as a board member for ARNOVA and the BBB Wise Giving Alliance. In 1992 she served on the Clinton/Gore Transition Team (Treasury/Tax Policy Cluster). At Chicago-Kent, Brody teaches personal income tax, taxation of business enterprises, taxation of investments, and nonprofit law.
Brody earned a J.D. magna cum laude from Georgetown University Law Center, where she was case and notes editor of The Tax Lawyer, the law journal of the ABA Tax Section. She also holds a B.A. in comparative literature from Yale University. Before joining the Chicago-Kent faculty, Brody was an attorney/adviser in the Office of Tax Policy, United States Treasury Department and practiced law at Arnold & Porter in Washington, D.C., and at Michael, Best & Friedrich in Madison, Wisconsin.