Friday, November 30, 2012, marked the culmination of the fall semester’s Interprofessional projects (IPRO). Over 40 teams exhibited and presented their semester long work. Dedicated panels of workplace professionals faculty and graduate students spent the day judging the IPRO Projects, and voted on the best exhibits and presentations. This semester the IPRO program implemented a new virtual Judging App that allowed for judging via an iPad app. This addition to the judging process made judging easier, as well as improved the efficiency and accuracy of scoring. The app was very positively received among the judges.
We’d like to thank all of our students, faculty, guests, judges, and sponsors for making this the Best IPRO Day yet!
IPRO Day Recognition Awards
Following the exhibits and presentations, IPRO Day participants gathered in Hermann Hall Auditorium for the closing Award’s Ceremony where the Top Tracks, Best Video and Dean’s Choice Awards were presented. Please see the rankings below:
Top Track Awards
Best in Track 1: Service Learning 1
#1: 374 – A.C.T.I.V.E.: Redefining Perceptions of Disability
#2: 344 – Prototyping a Chicagoland Food Enterprise Development Clinic
#3: 312 – Designing Document Management Process for Non-Profits
Best in Track 2: Service Learning 2
#1: 350 – ProSolutions: Prosthetic Solutions for the Working World
#2: 372 – Global Design Exchange
#3: 357 – The CommunIITy Collaborative: Design for a Better World Now
Best in Track 3: Information Technology Solutions
#1: 324 – Integrated Approach to Material Certification and Supplier Management
#2: 378 – Creating 3D Web Replica and Education Tool for Camp Douglas
#3: 316 – Belief Propagation in Large Scale Social Networks
Best in Track 4: Transport, Energy & Sustainability
#1: 313 – Refuelable Electric Cars
#2: 322 – Solar System Design and Refinement
#3: 338 – Techno-Economic Analysis of Electrical Smart Grid Technology Solutions
Best in Track 5: Product & Process Innovation
#1: 326 – Process Improvements in Auto Electronics Manufacture
#2: 304 – Integration of Process Improvements
#3: 306 — Aggrebind
Best in Track 6: IPRO 2.0 Interprofessional by Design 1
#1: E2
#2: A2
#3: B2
Best in Track 7: IPRO 2.0 Interprofessional by Design 2
#1: A2
#2: D1
#3: B2
Best Video Award
314 – U Farm IIT
Dean’s Choice Award
Armour College of Engineering
326 – Engineering Solutions
Science and Letters
377 – Roof ID
School of Psychology
307 – Containers for Disaster Response
School of Applied Technology
338 – Smart Grid
Stuart School of Business
397 – Ghost Wire
Thanks again to everyone! Photos and scores will also be posted on the IPRO website.
We can’t wait to see everyone next semester at the Spring 2013 IPRO Day – April 26, 2013!