Read below for special announcements for Student Supervisors and Approvers for the fall 2015 semester.
Student Employment Website
Keep checking the new Student Employment pages housed on the Career Services website for updates, processes, and policies. Students should visit: On-Campus Jobs; faculty and staff should visit: Student Employment.
Important Dates for fall 2015:
The dates for employment in the new academic year and to be used on payroll authorizations are Monday August 17, 2015 through May 31, 2016. Use these dates on all PAs for student employees. Supervisors/Approvers can begin submitting fall 2015 PAs on Monday, August 3, 2015.
Federal Work Study
Departments eligible to receive a Federal Work Study (FWS) allocation will be notified of their allocation in mid-August via email by Andrea Velazquez Duran, federal work study specialist. Additional details regarding hiring, PA processes and updates on the FWS process will be available for eligible departments in the coming weeks. Reminder: students may only have one FWS job. If a department is using FWS to pay a student, no other department may use FWS to pay the same student.
Submitting Paperwork
Main Campus
All Main Campus students must go to the One Stop Office to submit paperwork. No paperwork will be accepted from supervisors or other third parties for these students. Students are responsible for printing and completing paperwork, which is emailed to them by Student Employment. These forms are also located on the Career Services Website or the One Stop Website. Do not send any students to the One Stop Office to get the paperwork. Students are to only submit completed paperwork to the One Stop Office.
Other Campuses
Students from the Downtown or other campuses may scan and submit their paperwork electronically to This must be followed by sending the original paperwork through interoffice mail.
Timesheets and Hours
All student timesheets are due by 10:00 a.m. on Mondays when timesheets are due. Have students submit their timesheetsonline to avoid errors and delays. Students who fail to submit their timesheets on time may not be paid on the scheduled pay date.
Supervisors should note that students may not work more than 20 hours per week during the academic semester. Any student found to be working more than 20 hours is at risk for having their employment terminated by Student Employment.
Vacation Notice
Student Employment Specialist Kathryn Potts will be on vacation beginning Monday, August 17 and returning on Tuesday, August 25. During her absence, you may continue to email
New Supervisors
If your department has new supervisors, send an email to with their full name, CWID, and “ORG” for which they need to access, so they can be entered into the system for timesheet approval.
Remember: Students are not permitted to start working until authorized to do so by Student Employment to ensure compliance with employment law. Students and approvers will receive a “Payroll Authorization Finalized” email when students are authorized to begin work.
If you are a student supervisor and did not receive an email update with this from Student Employment Specialist Kathryn Potts, notify her at to be added to a bi-monthly email list.