Provost Peter Kilpatrick, the University Faculty Council, Staff Advisory Council, and Office of Academic Affairs will host the first event in the Fall 2018 Future of Higher Ed Forum Series on Tuesday, September 25 from 12:30–2 p.m. in the McCormick Tribune Campus Center Ballroom. This forum will seek to answer the question, “who are we as a university?”
Provost Kilpatrick will discuss the celebrated Million Dollar Sermon delivered by Frank Wakely Gunsaulus in 1890, which formed the founding principles of Illinois Tech. Attendees will participate in activity-based discussion led by Associate Professor of Psychology Frank Lane to uncover what this means to us today and the future of Illinois Tech as an Institute that changes people’s lives.
Feel free to bring a brown bag lunch. Coffee, tea, and light refreshments will be provided.
Although an RSVP is not required, it is helpful. RSVP here.
The Future of Higher Ed Forum Series is an ongoing, evolving experiment, and we welcome and value participation from all Illinois Tech faculty and staff. Please consider coming to this event and spreading the word to your colleagues.
Questions? Contact Sarah Pariseau at