In December 2022, Illinois Tech IEEE Student Branch was chosen as the recipient of the Outstanding Student Branch Award for the year 2022 by the IEEE Chicago Section Award Committee for their scientific contribution and service in the Chicago area. Illinois Tech IEEE student chapter has more than hundred members who are constantly engaged in voluntary extracurricular activities including networking events, workshops, speaker series, and conferences.
Professor Erdal Oruklu, ECE Department, has been chosen as the recipient of the Outstanding Student Branch Advisor Award for the year 2022 by the IEEE Chicago Section Award Committee for his scientific contribution and service in the Chicago area. Professor Oruklu is the faculty advisor for IEEE Student Chapter, Eta Kappa Nu Honor Society, and Cyberhawks student organizations. Eta Kappa Nu and Cyberhawks also received numerous awards and recognitions under Dr. Oruklu’s supervision.
IEEE is the world’s largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity. The Chicago Section has the unique distinction of being the first American Institute of Electrical Engineers (AIEE) section formed outside New York. The first meeting of the Chicago Section was held on March 21, 1894.
Congratulations to Illinois Tech Students and Professor Oruklu.