L to R: Cecilia Kimberlin (ASQ Chair), Manu Vora,
Stephen Hacker (ASQ Past Chair), Mike Nichols (Chair, ASQ Awards Board)
Manu K. Vora (M.S. CHE ′70, Ph.D. ′75), was honored by ASQ, the world’s largest network of quality resources and experts, for his innovative contributions and achievements in quality. Vora was recognized with 24 others on May 3, 2015 in Nashville, Tenn., ahead of ASQ’s World Conference on Quality and Improvement.
Vora received 2015 ASQ’s Ishikawa Medal for his extraordinary commitment to teams in corporate, academic, professional, and philanthropic domains.
Vora is chairman and president of Business Excellence, Inc., a global quality management service firm. He has over 40 years of leadership experience guiding Fortune 500 companies with Baldrige Performance Excellence in the areas of leadership development, customer satisfaction, employee engagement, and process excellence. For over 22 years, he has taught Quality Management, Operations Management, Supply Chain Management, and Project Management courses at various business schools globally. He is a past Vice President of ASQ, ASQ Fellow, and ASQ Certified Quality Engineer.
Vora has a B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering and and MBA in Marketing Management. He is a sought-after speaker on business excellence and quality management topics with over 440 presentations globally and has published over 50 articles in professional journals. He has delivered executive education to audiences in Africa, the Caribbean, Europe, the Far East, Latin America, the Middle East, and the United States. Vora has served on the Board of Examiners of the International Asia Pacific Global Performance Excellence Award Program since 2004. He is recognized with numerous honors from ASQ, including the Grant Medal for Quality Management Training, the Hutchens Medal for Social Responsibility, the Lancaster Medal for International Quality Contributions, and the Distinguished Service Medal for his life-long service to society.
For a full list of winners, click here. For more information about ASQ awards, visit the ASQ.org.