Illinois Tech Announces New Gender Identity and Personal Pronouns Option


Illinois Institute of Technology supports an open and inclusive environment through the selection of personal pronouns for usage within the university’s systems, where feasible. The university will provide the option for students to add a gender identity and personal pronoun to their profile for use within Illinois Tech systems.

If selected by an individual, personal prefixes and pronouns will be added to the person’s entry in the university’s public directory to facilitate communication based upon the person’s selection. While the use of personal pronouns and prefixes are recommended and encouraged wherever possible, the university cannot guarantee that pronouns and prefixes will appear in all cases and in all communications. It should be understood that even when a gender identity has been entered in various university information systems, legal name or legal sex will be used wherever required by university business or legal need.

Changes to your personal pronoun and gender identity can be made under the “Welcome” tab in your MyIIT Portal. After logging in to, open the “Welcome” tab, click to open the “Student Dashboard” widget, then click on the “Personal Information” link. You can select your pronouns and gender identity by clicking “Edit” in the “Personal Details” panel.

Illinois Tech strives to support the expression and self-identification of gender and personal pronouns.