IEEE-Eta Kappa Nu (IEEE-HKN), the honor society of IEEE, promotes excellence in the profession and in education with ideals of Scholarship, Character and Attitude. IEEE‐HKN Board of Governors has recently recognized the Delta Chapter of Illinois Institute of Technology with the 2022 IEEE‐HKN Outstanding Chapter Award. This prestigious award is presented to IEEE‐HKN chapters in recognition of excellence in their chapter administration and programs. Chapters are selected based on their activities, community service and outreach, and the impact they have had on the department, the university and the community. Of critical concern to the Outstanding Chapter Awards evaluation committee are activities to: improve professional development, raise instructional and institutional standards, encourage scholarship and creativity, provide a public service, and generally further the established goals of IEEE‐HKN.
Illinois Tech’s Delta Chapter is one of the 21 chapters in the world selected for outstanding performance and the value it brings to its members, peers and university. Delta Chapter has more than 100 student members and it is headed by Neil Dhote (President) and Dr. Erdal Oruklu (Faculty advisor).
Founded on 28 October 1904, HKN promotes professional accomplishment, service to others, and leadership development for students and professionals in electrical engineering, computer engineering, and other IEEE fields of interest. With its merger in 2010 with IEEE, the honor society now has over 200,000+ members in more than 250 Chapters around the globe.
Congratulations to the Illinois Tech’s Delta Chapter on being named one of IEEE-HKN’s 2022 Outstanding Chapters.

Prof. Erdal Oruklu (IEEE-HKN Faculty Advisor), Neil Dhote (IEEE – HKN Delta Chapter President) and Prof. Jafar Saniie (ECE Chair)