Innovation Crossroads, based at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), is a two-year entrepreneurial fellowship program that matches aspiring entrepreneurs with ORNL researchers and mentors, to take their world-changing ideas to the marketplace. Innovation Crossroads is now recruiting its third cohort. For more information about the program, click here.
Innovation Crossroads fellows receive:
- A two-year fellowship – includes a cash stipend along with health insurance and travel funds
- Lab access and research funding – unparalleled access to ORNL facilities, equipment, and expertise, and up to $200,000 to fund R&D collaborations with ORNL
- Access to entrepreneurial training, mentors, and networking programs that will help you build a successful company.
With funding support from the DOE Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy’s Advanced Manufacturing Office and Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), Innovation Crossroads can help you mature and de-risk your ideas so they can become sustainable and impactful companies.
For acceptance into the program, applicants:
- Must have Ph.D. or equivalent experience
- Must be focused on energy or manufacturing innovation
- Must leverage ORNL R&D capabilities and have an impact on the Department of Energy (DOE) or Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) mission
- Must be willing to relocate to the Knoxville-Oak Ridge area
- Must be a U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident at time of application
Interested applicants are encouraged to apply here by Monday, October 29 at 5 p.m. (EDT).
Please contact the Office of Sponsored Research and Programs with any questions.