IIT Institute of Design will host an Open House on Thursday, July 12 from 5:30–7:30 p.m. at 565 W Adams Street, seventh floor.
The rules of the game are changing. We’re living in a hyper-customized, globalized world where consumer expectations are shifting. Brands are forced to stay relevant by evolving with these new expectations. That’s where designers come in. Designers aren’t sitting back and waiting for the change to come—they’re at the forefront of making it happen.
Are you equipped with the tools needed to address future change?
At IIT Institute of Design, we do just that. We provide students with the skills needed to identify, dissect and solve complex problems facing organizations around the world. We invite you to take the next step in becoming a change agent by attending this open house. Guests will also have an opportunity to hear from current students working on faculty research projects and participate in breakout sessions with staff, students, and faculty.
Questions? Email design@id.iit.edu or call 312.595.4900.