Integrating Ethical Codes and Concerns in Multiple Disciplinary Teams: A Roundtable Discussion

The Center for the Study of Ethics in the Professions (CSEP) will host a roundtable discussion on Monday, October 23 from 12:30–1:30 p.m. in The McCormick Tribune Campus Center (MTCC) Faculty Club, Room 106. The discussion will cover the topic of Integrating Ethical Codes and Concerns in Multiple Disciplinary Teams, and feature guest speakers Samantha Dempsey (Mad*Pow) and Ciara Taylor (UpLift Data Partners, School of the Art Institute Chicago). Dempsey and Taylor created the Ethics Quest and The Designer’s Oath.

Although most students have some exposure to ethics education through their university programs, the opportunities to apply ethics training in real-world circumstances are rare, especially for those who will eventually work in multiple disciplinary teams where members may have different levels of training in, and interpretations of, what constitutes ethical practice. As the pace of innovation increases and new areas of scientific, design, and commercial practices emerge, conventional ethics education may be insufficient for situations that students will encounter in their professional careers.

The goal of this round table is to begin a conversation about ethics in situations where multiple perspectives – those of clients, diverse set of team members, and stakeholders – create a need for thinking about the complexities of ethical issues.

Lunch will be provided. Please RSVP by Thursday, October 19 via email to

This event is sponsored by CSEP and the Stuart School of Business through the Faculty Innovation Grant “Bottom-Up Ethics: Real World Training For Professional Practice.”