Monday, Nov. 14: Fueling your Career: Interview Success – International students, join us HERE for a virtual lunch from 12:45-1:45 pm. We will go over interview tips in preparation for mock interviews on Tuesday, Nov. 15th.
Tuesday, Nov. 15: Fueling your Career: Interview Success – Participate in a mock interview with industry employers! Interviews will take place in the MTCC colored rooms from 3-6 pm. Sign up for a time HERE.
Wednesday, Nov. 16: Special SPEAK Lunch – International students and students interested in going abroad are invited to join us for conversations on the topics of culture shock and different education systems. 12:50 pm – 1:40 pm in room C7-1 on the 6th floor of Galvin Tower. RSVP for pizza by the Tuesday before.
Friday, Nov. 18: Join us HERE for a virtual session from 12:45-1:45 pm to discuss life after your F-1 status has ended. Immigration attorney, Bob White, will talk about your options, go over regulations, and answer questions.
Friday, Nov. 18: Get a SCOOP of Study Away – Come by our table on the MTCC bridge from 11-1 pm. Get a scoop of ice cream while learning about study away opportunities for IIT students.