ISO Zombie Hunt

Be part of the International Students Organization campus-wide tag event—Zombie Hunt!

Participants are divided into two groups, humans and zombies. The main goal of being a human is to survive until the end whereas the main goal of being a zombie is to kill as many humans as you can. A human turns into a zombie upon death.

Participant roles are identified through the color of their bandannas, which will be distributed before the event begins. Zombie Hunt will last for a week beginning today until next Monday, March 4. You can expect all sorts of fun add-on factors during the event to spice up the entire process! And there are prizes for the winners!

Rules and regulations will be explained during the briefing session when the bandannas are distributed. Prepare yourself for a zombie apocalypse! Get more details and register here. Zombie Hunts updates will be posted  every night. Stay tuned to see who’s alive and who’s not!