The Japanese Film and Animation Society is hosting a 24-hour anime marathon from Friday, March 31 at 6 p.m. to Saturday, April 1 at 6 p.m. in Siegel Hall Auditorium, SH 118.
Join JFAS for a Director Spotlight featuring two of the medium’s most talented directors: Mamoru Hosoda and Satoshi Kon. Between Hosoda’s flair for fun, colorful, wildly imaginative stories in the spirit of Studio Ghibli and Kon’s dark, twisted, psychological narratives, there’s something for everyone.
If you’re a fan of either director or interested in learning about them, stop by to see their greatest work on the big screen. JFAS will also host group discussions about their directing styles, the themes they tackle, and the enormous influence they have had on the west. Kon, in particular, directly inspired famous Hollywood movies such as Requiem for a Dream, Inception, and Black Swan.
There will be Japanese and other Asian food, drinks, snacks, and desserts, as well as a sandwich bar for simpler desires. Feel free to have an immersive anime camp-out and temporarily forget your troubles.
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