Joseph Orgel Named Vice Provost for Academic Affairs

Dear Students, Faculty, and Staff,

I am pleased to announce that I have appointed Joseph Orgel, professor of biology and biomedical engineering and former chair of the University Faculty Council, as the new vice provost for academic affairs at Illinois Institute of Technology, reporting directly to the provost and with a dashed line report to Mike Gosz, senior vice provost.

Joseph has been an Illinois Tech faculty member for more than 15 years and has been a passionate and effective advocate for faculty, students, and staff in his various roles in strategic planning, program development, university governance, and more recently as deputy vice provost of strategic initiatives and student success. As a skilled educator and professional who concentrates on mentorship and the personal and professional development of others, regardless of discipline, he has successfully brought these practices to our university in support of student success. I believe we are seeing significant improvements in the student experience and success, at least in part, as a direct result of his efforts.

Joseph oversees several key areas, including Academic Affairs (both undergraduate and graduate), the Academic Resource Center, Main Campus Academic Honesty (Mies Designated Dean for Academic Dishonesty), the General Learning Strategies program, and the Empowerment, Leadership and Mentorship program. This is in addition to his efforts in building and maintaining collaborative partnerships between administrative and academic departments and our faculty government. His energy, enthusiasm, creativity, and ability to implement ideas and plans make him a valued partner to me and within our university community. Please join me in welcoming Joseph in his new role at Illinois Tech.


Peter Kilpatrick
Peter Kilpatrick
Provost, Illinois Institute of Technology