Faculty, teaching assistants, and other interested people are invited to hear the talk “Mathematica Online for Education” by Matt Woodbury of Wolfram Research on Thursday, March 30 from 12:45–1:45 p.m. in the Robert A. Pritzker Science Center, Room 129. Woodbury will explain how to:
- Enter, customize, and save Wolfram|Alpha calculations in a notebook environment.
- Visualize data, functions, surfaces, and more in 2D or 3D.
- Store and share documents locally or in the Wolfram Cloud.
- Make standalone web pages with embedded calculations.
- Use semantic import to enrich data using Wolfram-curated data.
- Turn static examples into mouse-driven, dynamic applications.
- Access 10,000 course applications.
- Utilize the Wolfram Language’s built-in functions or create your own.
- Get support for specialized areas including machine learning, time series, image processing, parallelization, and control systems.
Prior knowledge of Mathematica is not required. If you have any questions, please contact Grant Bunker, professor and chair of physics, at bunker@iit.edu.