If you are interested in submitting a NSF 16-539 Innovation Corps – National Innovation Network Nodes Program (I-Corps Nodes) proposal, send an abstract no more than three pages in length, plus a budget summary to esoto2@iit.edu by the internal deadline of Wednesday, February 1, 2017 at noon. Follow Illinois Tech’s guidelines for internal competitions available here.
- Institutional Limit: One
- Internal Deadline: Wednesday, February, 1, 2017 at noon
- Letter of Intent Deadline: Thursday, March, 9, 2017
- Full Proposal Deadline: Tuesday, May, 9, 2017
Synopsis of Program:
The National Science Foundation (NSF) seeks to further develop and nurture a national innovation ecosystem that builds upon fundamental research to guide the output of scientific discoveries closer to the development of technologies, products, processes and services that benefit society. The goal of the program is to dramatically reduce the period of time necessary to bring a promising idea from its inception to widespread implementation.
Through this solicitation, NSF plans to build upon the established National Innovation Network (consisting of I-Corps Nodes and Sites) to further support the needs for innovation research, education and training. NSF is seeking to expand and sustain the network of I-Corps Nodes that work cooperatively to support the development of innovations that will benefit society. The interconnected nodes of the network are expected to be diverse in research areas, resources, tools, programs, capabilities, and geographic locations – providing the network with the flexibility to grow or reconfigure as needs arise.
I-Corps Nodes will foster understanding on how to: 1) identify, develop and support promising ideas that can generate value, 2) create and implement tools, resources and training activities that enhance our nation’s innovation capacity, 3) gather, analyze, evaluate and utilize the data and insight resulting from the experiences of those participating in regional programs and 4) share and leverage effective innovation practices on a national scale – to improve the quality of life for the U.S. citizenry. In addition, Nodes must identify and are expected to implement plans for sustainable scaling of their efforts beyond the duration of NSF support.
This funding opportunity announcement is from the Illinois Tech Fund Searching Services Team (FSST).
Per Illinois Tech policy, all grant applications (federal and non-federal) must be reviewed, signed and submitted by the Office of Sponsored Research and Programs regardless of the amount of the request. Complete your routing sheet as soon as possible via Cayuse SP. The Cayuse SP link is found under the Research Tab in the myIIT portal. Contact osrp@iit.edu or call at 312.567.3035 for more information on submitting a proposal.