Mechanical, Materials, and Aerospace Engineering Assistant Professor Seebany Datta-Barua was awarded the NSF CAREER Award for her project titled, “CAREER: Coherent Structures in Ionospheric-Thermospheric Flows.”
This award is effective May 15, 2014 and expires April 30, 2019. Year 1 (FY2014) was awarded in the amount of $71,902. Years 2 through 5 will be awarded as stated below.
This is a continuing grant which has been approved on scientific and technical merit. Contingent on the availability of funds and the scientific progress of the project, NSF expects to continue support at approximately the following level:
FY 2015 $77,696
FY 2016 $117,923
FY 2017 $113,351
FY 2018 $117,887
This brings the total amount of the award to $498,759 for the project period.