The relationship between Motorola and Illinois Tech is deep. Illinois Tech grads have been hired by Motorola for decades. The Robert W. Galvin Center for Electricity Innovation at Illinois Tech is named in honor of former CEO and son of the founder of Motorola, who was an Illinois Tech trustee and chairman of the board whose ties to the university are too lengthy to include here. The founder of Motorola, and Robert’s father, Paul V. Galvin, has the university Mies Campus library named in his honor. So it should surprise no one that when the library at Motorola’s Schaumburg campus disbanded, Illinois Tech was foremost in their mind as a landing spot for their collection.
Come celebrate with Paul V. Galvin Library as they introduce the first volumes of this most generous donation into circulation on Wednesday, January 17 at 1 p.m. The donation includes hundreds of recently published technical titles not held by any university in the statewide I-Share consortium, many dozens of textbooks which will strengthen our reserve textbook collection, and physical copies of titles that are only held by I-Share libraries in electronic format. Almost 1,200 of the titles were published since 2011, and a typical title in the donation is held by only three of 80 I-Share libraries.