NSF—Critical Resilient Interdependent Infrastructure Systems and Processes (CRISP)

This Critical Resilient Interdependent Infrastructure Systems and Processes (CRISP) Funding Opportunity Announcement aims to undertake the creation, curation, or use of publicly accessible data on infrastructure systems and processes, whether in the context of explanation, prediction or modeling. The FOA seeks to fund projects likely to produce new knowledge that can contribute to making interdependent critical infrastructure (ICI) services more effective, efficient, dependable, adaptable, resilient, safe, and secure, taking into account the human systems in which they are embedded.

Successful proposals are expected to study multiple infrastructures focusing on them as interdependent systems that deliver services, enabling a new interdisciplinary paradigm in infrastructure research. To meet the interdisciplinary criterion, proposals must broadly integrate across engineering, computer, information, and computational science, as well as the social, behavioral, and economic sciences. The estimated total program funding is $22.9 million. All applications for this program are due by Wednesday, February 8, 2017. For more information, visit the Funding Opportunity Announcement via Grants.gov.