The Student Employment Office (SEO) reminds staff and faculty that it is mandatory to post all on-campus positions in Jobs4Hawks, Illinois Tech’s job database for students and alumni.* This is a year-round requirement, which therefore includes periods of non-enrollment for students. The centralization of the student hiring process will require that job descriptions are created and submitted for students with on-campus positions. Not only is it breaking university policy for students to work on campus without a defined position, but this requirement is especially important for Federal Work-Study (FWS) students, as these jobs must meet specific FWS regulations, including work that is “related to their educational or career objectives” and meets appropriate pay rates for the job. A central hiring database also better enables the SEO to check for and troubleshoot hiring process issues, and provide students with an on-campus work experience that is a professional and meaningful part of their development, both personally and with future careers in mind, and will prepare them for life after Illinois Tech.
Step-by-step instructions for posting positions and recruiting and hiring students are housed on the Student Employment website under Faculty and Staff. Faculty and staff who do not post positions in Jobs4Hawks will have their Payroll Authorization requests denied. Thank you for joining us in providing quality on-campus employment to our students.
*GA, TA, and RA positions are not considered on-campus jobs. These positions are awarded through the graduate colleges.