On Thursday, March 14 (Pi Day) Illinois Tech is hosting its annual Giving Day, a 48-hour, campus-wide fundraising campaign focused on supporting student success, increasing donor participation, and celebrating our pride and excitement about Illinois Tech and our future.
Join QWL and the Office of Institutional Advancement in the lower level of Hermann Hall (The Bog) at 4 p.m. for food and fun. Study up because our very own Joe Hakes, director of athletics, and Chris White, physics professor and vice provost for academic affairs, are going to run an Illinois Tech Trivia challenge! There may even be a Pi Recitation challenge to see who can recite the most digits of Pi by memory. If you would like to donate, bring your credit/debit card—iPads will be on site for your convenience.
Looking forward to having a great time, raising lots of money, and of course, eating Pi(e)!