Please review the guidelines the IIT Office of Marketing and Communications (M&C) has put together regarding marketing and communications projects (graphic design, outside advertising, editorial services, photography, etc.). These guidelines are in place regardless if M&C is creating the designs, or if you are working on them yourself. M&C has teamed up with IIT Purchasing to help ensure that the university’s brand is well stewarded. Vendor quotes and invoices will NOT be paid until M&C and Purchasing has approved your request. We ask that you read that portion of the document carefully so that print jobs and other marketing materials you want to produce are completed in a timely manner. If you have any questions please contact Denise Moriarty, AVP of M&C by calling 312.567.3206 or email
Reminder: Marketing and Communications Guidelines and Procedures for Design and Print Work
July 9, 2015Posted in: Faculty/Staff