The Information Technology and Management (ITM) department of IIT School of Applied Technology held an Embedded Systems/Smart Technology presentation on Tuesday, April 29, 2014 at the McCormick Tribune Campus Center Auditorium.
The presentations were part of the ITMT 593 course and research led by Industry Associate Professor Jeremy Hajek and Adjunct Professor Dan Tomal. The student projects, which are designed to solve real-world problems, involved a range of technical solutions. Issues range from the automated movement of quadcopters to the creation of solar powered sensor arrays with mesh networks, to smart concrete, even to integrating Google Glass for real-time heads-up display for these sensor networks. All presentations were approximately 15 minutes and were technically focused and included a demonstration.
Projects included:
Self-Contained Automated Growing Platform
Nathan Worthen, Chaz Granholm, Canyuan Tian, Gustavo Santi Pereira Neis, Jacky Lundy
This group presented an automated system to handle the care of growing plants using the Intel Galileo platform. They will be controlling grow lamps, relays to control water pumps, as well as Internet connectivity to collect and plot data and to display status remotely.
Visual Image Creation Using LED Arrays
Dane Christianson (MMAE), Bharat Ramaswamy Nandakumar
A visual image array was presented by this team. The device can calculate a display matrix which will wirelessly send data to an LED wand device. As it is moved, the LEDs will flicker in a pattern producing a complex image. The processing language, Raspberry Pi, and a series of LEDs are multiplexed together comprising this device. Solving processing delay challenges in data transfer and data processing is the foundation.
Smart Concrete
Jimmy Leahy (CE), Kareem AlZoobiy, Guilherme Almeida do Nascimento
Smart concrete is created by embedding a battery powered sensor platform with an Xbee radio for Mesh Networking and reporting of sensor data back to a single server. Given that concrete takes about 28 days to completely cure, the device helps engineers understand the internal conditions of their concrete wirelessly, without the need to insert an external probe. Part 2 will involve transferring this data to a webserver for use with integration and access to Google Glass. The intent is to use the Glass Voice API to call up the sensor data and view data via a “card.”
Google Glass Display for Viewing Environmental Data
Justin Callanan, Alvaro Correa Gonzalez, Sandra Rubio Sobrados, Augustine Marquez Gomez
This group developed the infrastructure and Google Glass applications data that can be displayed via a heads-up display and accessed via voice control.
A Delivery Framework for Automated movement of QuadCopters
Ray Tawil (ECE), Mark Milhouse
Using software from the 3D IRS quadcopter (, this device entails point software and how it generates a flight plan. Two GPS coordinate and auto generate a flight plan as well as perform the inverse return flight plan, thereby automating the copter’s movement.
Mesh Networked Environmental Sensor Platform
Jeff Ruvinsky, James Atkins, Marek Smaciarz
This group attacked the problems of building retrofitting and wire/cable runs. A sensor platform powered by a Solar panel is the basis of this device. The platform will connect wirelessly via an Xbee wireless mesh network (802.15) back to a central server. This connection allows data to be served up via a web browser in real-time/per device. This functionality can also be integrated into Google Glass and heads-up displays
Home Automation Prototype
Borja Yanes Garrido, Fernando Martinez Sidera, Sergio Sanguino Serrano
This project used Android technology and integrate Android controls (phone) to control HVAC and other assorted home devices/appliances. Remote control will give the user practical application.
The ITM program in the School of Applied Technology seeks to work with other programs, integrating and producing cross-curricular project results. Frameworks for additional research will enable researchers and departments to learn and grow together.