Semiconductor Research Corp. (SRC) Global Research Collaboration (GRC) is soliciting white papers in the Hardware Security research program. The principal goal of this discovery-driven program is to advance fundamental knowledge and innovations in these devices.
This call, issued to universities worldwide, may be addressed by an individual investigator or a research team. The selection process is divided into two stages. Interested parties are requested to submit a one-page white paper. The white paper should clearly identify what can be done in the proposed period of two or three years. A successfully selected white paper will result in an invitation to submit a full proposal. These proposals will be further down-selected for research contracts. The number and size of the contracts awarded will be determined by the amount of available funds and the number of high-quality proposals. The anticipated funding level per task is expected to be under $100,000 per year, which includes the overhead expenses charged by the institution. The funding level requested will be a factor in the selection process. Proposals offering funding leverage are strongly encouraged and should be indicated. (Leverage is other funding resources related and beneficial to the proposed work, further explained below.)
Each researcher may be involved in at most two white papers. Deadline for submission to the sponsor is 2 p.m. April 30, 2020.
Contact OSRP as soon as possible if you are interested in submitting a white paper.