Please note that the applications are now open for SoReMo for Spring 2025. The next application deadline is 10 a.m. January 27, 2025.
You can find the information and the link to the form on our website,
If you submitted a letter of intent in December (LOI), this is Step 2: Students interested in joining the SoReMo initiative as Fellows (with a paid fellowship) should complete the application form now.
Students who did submit the LOI have an advantage due to the feedback they received on their LOIs. It is expected they will reply to the questions that were asked during the feedback process.
If you did not submit an LOI in December, you may still apply, using Step 2. The form is the same and it will ask you about your LOI status and response to LOI feedback.
If you are a student interested in being an associate fellow or joining a team, please also use the form to apply. No LOI is required for this type of an application, since they do not involve proposing a particular project.
Any questions or concerns, or issues with the form, please contact Successful applicants will be notified during the same week.
Additional important information
Semester logistics: SoReMo projects and meetings will be officially kicking off on or after February 1. Our meetings will be every other week, either Thursdays or Fridays lunch hour, TBD based on faculty availability.
Mailing list: The move from Google to Microsoft has destroyed our mailing lists. If you would like to be kept up to date on meetings and events, please find the Outlook Group “SoReMo.” It is a public group and anyone with an Illinois Tech address can join using the “discover groups” button in Outlook.