Spring 2015 IPRO Day Recognition Awards

iproday_sp15.jpgThe culmination of the spring semester’s Interprofessional Projects (IPRO) Program was marked on April 24 with IPRO Day. Over 120 teams (the largest IPRO Day to date) exhibited their semester-long work throughout Hermann Hall. Dedicated panels of workplace professionals, faculty and graduate students spent the day judging the IPRO projects, and voting on the best exhibits.

The IPRO Program thanks all of the students, faculty, guests, judges and sponsors for making this the best IPRO Day yet.

Following the exhibit judging and lunch, IPRO Day participants gathered in the Hermann Hall Auditorium for the closing award ceremony, where the Dean’s Choice, Battlefield Awards, Quick Pitch and People’s Choice awards were announced.

Dean’s Choice Awards

Bob Krawczyk, College of Architecture
Track 8
IPRO 348 Desalination of the Sahara
Blake Davis (INTM)

Christine Himes, Lewis College
Track 3
Team 3H Preventative Health: Women’s Health
Hanna Korel, Doug Wills and Omar Khalil (ID and ChBE)
Track 6
Team 363: IIT Pride: Improving Student & University Community Engagement
Steve Hammond (ID)

Bob Carlson, Applied Technology
Track 7
IPRO 350 Mobilus: Robotic Standing Wheelchair with Arm Component
Kevin Meade (MMAE)

Natacha DePaolo, Armour College of Engineering
Track 3
Team 3C Healthcare Delivery + Diagnosis
Hanna Korel, Doug Wills and Omar Khalil (ID and ChBE)

Russell Betts, College of Science
Track 13
Team 13H Packaging Group B
Jeremy Alexis, Jim Braband, David Ofori-Amoah, John Welin (ID and SSB)

Nik Rokop, Stuart School of Business
Track 3
Team 3A Water Access + Storage
Hanna Korel, Doug Wills and Omar Khalil (ID and ChBE)

Battlefield Competitions

Tech Battlefield
Track 7
IPRO 305 Antimatter Gravity Interferometer
Dan Kaplan, Derrick Mancini (PHYS)

Biz Battlefield
Track 16
Team 16F Bio-Energy Initiative
Limia Shunia, Roberto Camino (ID and MMAE)

Social Battlefield
Track 3
Team 3H Preventative Health: Women’s Health
Hanna Korel, Doug Wills and Omar Khalil (ID and ChBE)

Quick Pitch Competition

Track 13
Team 13B Weed Wand
Jeremy Alexis, Jim Braband, David Ofori-Amoah, John Welin (ID and SSB)

People’s Choice Award

Track 6
IPRO 359 The Simularium
Mark McKinney (ARCH)