IIT graduate students are invited to apply for the Starr Research Fellowship and the Fieldhouse Research Fellowship. Each fellowship provides up to $15,000 for one year and can be used for tuition support and stipend. The fellowships are NOT renewable, but may be supplemented by funding from other sources.
The fellowships are made possible through a generous donation from the Starr Foundation and IIT’s capital campaign match to honor Irv Fieldhouse, who until his death in 2005 had been an active member of the IIT-IITRI community for more than 40 years. To enhance Mr. Fieldhouse’s commitment for developing joint research projects, both fellowships target research that leads to cooperation between IIT and IIT Research Institute (IITRI), the Institute for Food Safety and Health (IFSH), Fermilab and Argonne National Laboratory (ANL).
Student Eligibility
Applicants must be IIT students currently enrolled in a Master of Science or Doctoral program in the following departments: AM, BCPS, BME, CAEE, CHBE, CS, ECE, or MMAE. The student must be nominated by an eligible IIT faculty member (see faculty member eligibility below).
The Fellows are required to pursue advanced study and research under faculty guidance, support faculty and their external advisors in specific research projects and make their own contributions to academe through writing and research.
Eligibility of Advisor: Tenured-track Assistant Professor or higher ranking, from AM, BCPS, BME, CAEE, CHBE, CS, ECE, or MMAE. The IIT advisor should recommend the contact and initiate the communication with IITRI, IFSH, Fermilab or ANL.
Application package:
• A completed application form
• A Proposed Plan for Research describing the proposed work, its novelty and importance, and its impact on collaboration between IIT and IITRI, IFSH or ANL
• Previous Research Experience
• Three letters of recommendation (1) from the IIT research advisor; (1) from the external research advisor; and (1) other reference. Please include the Reference Report Form (2 pages) for each reference.
• Copies of college transcripts (duplicates of transcripts submitted to IIT and IIT transcripts, as applicable).
Download the Application Form and the Reference Report Form.
DEADLINE: Submit the complete application package by Friday, November 15, 2013 at 5 pm to Maggie Garcia.