Student Undergrad Capstone Project Presentations for ITMT-430

ITM participants pose for a photo

The ITM Department invites you to join us for the undergraduate capstone project presentations of ITMT-430. These presentations showcase the achievements of our senior students who have dedicated their time to the ITM program. We are excited to share with you the accomplishments of these talented individuals.

Students have designed, project-managed, developed, administered, installed, automated, and secured from scratch a three-tier web-app. Using various tech stacks including:

  • GitHub and Version Control
  • Packer and Terraform (Automation tools)
  • Vault and OAuth (Secrets management)
  • Shell scripts, Ubuntu Server (Infrastructure), using Proxmox (KVM platform)
  • on prem S3 Object Storage integration (Object Storage over HTTP) and SDK integration (Python and JavaScript)
  • Automation and security as first-class requirements

Come and hear tales of debugging and each team’s deep technical details of how they solved various development and deployment problems.


Where: Illinois Tech Campus 10 West 35th Street Chicago, IL 60616: Room: Smart Tech Lab

When: Monday, April 22, 10 a.m.

There will be a YouTube live stream. Groups will be presenting and there will be donuts and coffee.

To get to the Smart Tech Lab – enter the Michael Galvin tower on 35th and State Street.  Swipe in at the desk and take the elevator up to the second floor. Exit to the left and head north over the bridge from the Tower to the TS building.  The floor turns from white tile to brown carpet. Take a left at the intersection and the Smart Lab is directly ahead of you.