Study Abroad in Scotland Next Summer

Did you know that logarithms, the toaster, and the modern game of golf were invented in Scotland? Or that many movies and TV shows, such as Outlander and Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, were filmed in Scotland? Culture, history, innovation, beautiful landscapes, and friendly people—Scotland has it all.

Open to Illinois Tech undergraduates in all majors, the 2017 Lewis College faculty-led summer study abroad program will be held in Glasgow, Scotland from July 8-August 4. Classes will be taught by Illinois Tech faculty. One Social Sciences course and one Humanities course will be offered, giving you the opportunity to earn “S” and “H” credit toward the Illinois Tech core curriculum requirements.

The application deadline is Wednesday, February 1, 2017; however, space is limited, so apply early. Learn more about this exciting opportunity and apply today at