A new Research Announcements Google Group, research-announcements-group@iit.edu, will share time-sensitive announcements of general interest to the Illinois Tech research community. All faculty and staff involved in research or research administration are invited and welcome to join. Postings to the Research Announcements Google Group are moderated to ensure that their content is appropriate.
To request to join, click on Google Groups in Google suite of IIT, find the group Research Announcements, click join group. To learn more about joining a google group go here. Those with an iit.edu email address should be able to join automatically. Those with an xxx.iit.edu email address should email Nicole Lanute, nlanute@iit.edu, for help.
In addition to this broad Research Google Group, the Office of Research has targeted Google Groups for Computation and Data, Health and Wellness, and Urban Future, which all researchers are welcome to join for announcements specific to these topics.
Faculty are still encouraged to stay abreast of all things research-related and major announcements through Illinois Tech Today’s Research section, and the Office of Research bi-monthly e-mail updates.
If staff or faculty have any research related announcements, updates, or news, please send them to Fred Hickernell, hickernell@iit.edu and they will be distributed across the appropriate channels.