No time or money for Daytona? Visit Paul V. Galvin Library during spring break to celebrate Sunshine Week. Sunshine Week celebrates the latest developments in freedom of information resources and the efforts to bring light to the activities of your government. We can enlighten you as to why one congressman was able to darken the NASA Technical Reports Server, which has yet to fully recover. The story involves cannibalism, pornography, Al-Jazeera and Breitbart (no, seriously, folks). Come listen to a presentation outlining how decades of research were pulled from the Internet to satisfy one congressman bent on preventing scientific cooperation between the U.S. and China. The event will take place on Thursday, March 16 from 2–3 p.m. in the Cherry Room of Paul V. Galvin Library. RSVP to Aric Ahrens (
This event is sponsored by Paul V. Galvin Library.