The Art and Science of Creating Things That Matter: a Seminar from Alum David Edwards

Science is creative in much the same ways as art, music, and literature.

Illinois Tech alumnus David Edwards (Ph.D. CHE ’87), professor of the practice of idea translation at Harvard University and founder of Senses restaurant in Cambridge, Massachusetts, has written a manifesto on how art and science collide in innovation. At Harvard, hundreds of students savor his methods every year.

In his wildly popular class How to Create Things & Have Them Matter, he teaches his students to generate, develop, and realize breakthrough ideas for social and cultural change, all while putting an emphasis on having fun. Drawing on his experience in applied mathematics and as an innovator in the medical technology field — which includes inventing inhalable insulin and an airway hygiene product called FEND™— Edwards hopes to inspire his students to go beyond typical ways of thinking about invention.

He also encourages an inclusive culture where diverse perspectives and backgrounds enrich the ideation process.

Join us at the Kaplan Institute on Wednesday, October 13, 2021, to learn how he does it.

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