The Spring 2014 issue of IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law “Faculty Perspectives” is now available. View the issue.
It features work by Professor Stephanie M. Stern, whose article on social capital theory and property law was published in the Virginia Law Review; Professor Nancy S. Marder, whose article on jurors and social media is forthcoming in the SMU Law Review; Professor Ronald W. Staudt, whose article (co-authored with Andrew P. Medeiros ’12) on technology clinics and law school curricula was published in the Chicago-Kent Law Review; and Professor Martin H. Malin, whose article on collective representation in the U.S. public sector was published in the Osgoode Hall Law Journal.
Launched in December 2013, “Faculty Perspectives” highlights recent scholarship by the law school’s faculty. The online publication is presented in an attractive, easy-to-navigate format. The publication is produced by IIT Chicago-Kent Faculty Marketing Coordinator Daniel Saunders.