Kenneth Josephson, Herbert Levinson, and Sararabjit “Ravi” Randhava will receive the Professional Achievement Awards at the 2014 Alumni Awards at 11:30 am on Friday, April 25, 2014 in the Hermann Hall Ballroom.
After teaching at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago for almost 40 years, Josephson (M.S. DSGN ’60) co-founded the Society for Photographic Education—a nonprofit organized used as a creative outlet for members to discuss photography. Josephson is said to be continuing and extending the ID tradition. Visit to read more about Josephson and how he is continuing the ID tradition.
Herbert Levinson’s (CE ’49) career in traffic engineering—spanning more than 60 years—has taken him all over the world. Levinson is one of nearly two dozen transportation experts who are members of the National Academy of Engineering, and is the author of several books, technical articles, and research reports. Visit to learn more about Levinson and his prosperous career.
Sarabjit “Ravi” Randhava (M.S. CHE ’66, Ph.D. ’70) is the co-founder, president, and chief operating officer of Unitel Technologies, Inc. Before founding Unitel, Randhava started Xytel Corporation in a rented garage with his brother in the early 1970s, and by 1983 it was a leader in the field. Visit to read more about Randhava’s company.