Illinois Institute of Technology is a member of the Tuition Exchange, a nonprofit organization of more than 600 colleges and universities that agree to a reciprocal scholarship program. Visit for a listing of participating schools and more details about how the exchange works.
Illinois Institute of Technology holds a lottery each fall for Tuition Exchange scholarships. The number of scholarships will be based on the number of students from the Tuition Exchange program from other participating institutions who enroll at Illinois Tech each year. Faculty and staff may apply for a scholarship for an eligible dependent as long as they meet the criteria below. To be a candidate for a tuition exchange scholarship through Illinois Tech, the family member must be an eligible dependent of an eligible employee at Illinois Tech.
Eligible Employees
Any full-time faculty or staff member in good employment standing and meeting the below-listed minimum years of full time employment at Illinois Tech by January 1 of the year for which the dependent is a candidate.
- Faculty – two years
- Staff – two years
Eligible Dependents
Any born or adopted child of an eligible Illinois Tech employee. The child must be a dependent as defined by the IRS. (Appropriate proof may be requested).
The award is for new first-year students and continuing students, although preference will be given to new first-year students.
Application Process for Awards for fall 2019
Employees wishing to apply for Tuition Exchange should complete the online application available here: TE EZ Application.
The application period began on September 13 and will close on Friday, October 19. Only applications submitted by 5 p.m. on October 19 will be considered. Questions, comments, or concerns can be directed to