Hamid Arastoopour, Henry Linden Professor of Engineering and Wanger Institute for Sustainable Energy Research (WISER) director, has been named the 2018 recipient of the AIChE Sustainable Engineering Forum (SEF) Research Award. The award is presented annually for basic or applied research results relative to the sustainability of products, processes, or the environment, and recognizes a person who has made significant technical contributions to research and development activities.
Specifically, the SEF Research Award recognizes Arastoopour for his pioneering research and educational initiatives in creating a pathway toward the sustainable engineering paradigm that include novel research in carbon capture, manufacturing new products from recycled polymers and rubber, wind energy, establishment of WISER at Illinois Tech, and publication of an educational Sustainability Book for Kids.
As part of the award proceedings, Arastoopour will present a plenary lecture at the AIChE Annual Meeting to be held in Pittsburgh in October.