Kathryn Spink, virologist, senior lecturer of biology, and chief health professions advisor, will talk about Zika virus in a special lecture on Friday, April 8 at 10 a.m. in The McCormick Tribune Campus Center (MTCC) Ballroom. Prospective students are encouraged to attend, but all are welcome. RSVP to adauernh@iit.edu.
The virus, which was first discovered in Uganda in 1947 and is transmitted primarily through the bite of an infected mosquito, has been a hot topic lately as international cases are becoming more widespread. Spink will delve into what we do and, more importantly, do not know about Zika virus infection, including transmission, symptoms, treatment and prevention, and neurological complications associated with the infection. She will also cover some frequently asked questions and suggest reputable sources, such as the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) website, for further questions.