Finite element method is a numerical technique to solve many complex engineering and physics problems. Several widely used commercial software packages based on this technique are currently available including ANSYS which has recently been made freely available to all Illinois Tech faculty and students through a special arrangement with the company. It can be used to solve thermal, mechanical, electromagnetics, fluid dynamics problems, acoustics, and other problems.
To assist potential users of this program, Ali Khounsary of the Physics Department and the Office of Technical Services (OTS) have planned a series of tutorials for those with no prior knowledge of the program. This is the second in the series and follows part one (on fluid dynamics). It will take place on Tuesday, July 5 from 1:30-5 p.m. in the Stuart Building Auditorium, Room 104.
In the tutorial, the attendees learn how to start the program on their PC, set up a model representing the geometry of a problem, provide the necessary input, solve the problem, and visualize the results. Examples selected are simple and easy to follow. The tutorial is free to the Illinois Tech community but has limited seating, based on first-come, first-served basis. To register, RSVP to Todd Kersh ( and include your name and your major.
Before the meeting, click here and select the ‘Agree’ radio button at the bottom of the page; then click the Download button next to ANSYS Student Release 17.0. You must also download the License Key noted at the bottom of the page. Once both the Student Version and License Key are downloaded, click the Installation Help box near the top of the page for Installation Instructions. Be sure this installation is completed before attending the seminar.