Blackboard Fall Updates

More to Learn_WebTile-150x150Blackboard Learn (Bb), IIT’s learning management system (LMS), was updated to the latest service pack on Friday, August 15. This update includes regular software updates plus a few new features to improve the student and faculty functionality and experience in Blackboard.

New features include SafeAssign integration into the Assignment function, and a true Student Preview ability. You may also notice a few other features in this update. Over the semester the Bb at IIT team may more formally introduce these additional features and faculty training.

See IIT Online’s Google site, Blackboard @ IIT, for details, and be on the lookout for an additional IIT Today Bb article for a calendar of faculty sessions to begin the week of August 25.

If you have questions about this update, please contact IIT Onlineā€™s Brad Katz,, or Lauren Woods,

Should you need technical assistance with Blackboard, please contact the Support Desk, at