Eating Disorder Study Seeks Volunteers

Illinois Institute of Technology researchers are seeking participants for research investigating environmental and psychological factors that contribute to disordered eating behaviors. This information may aid in the development of more effective treatment for eating disorders.

Who can take part?

You may be eligible for this study if:

  • You are female
  • You are aged 18 or older
  • You binge eat and/or engage in extreme methods to control your weight

What would happen if I took part in the study?

If you decide to take part in the study, you would

  • Complete questionnaires about eating disorder behaviors and mood symptoms
  • Respond to brief questions on your mobile phone about eating disorder behaviors, stress, and mood, several times per day for a period of two weeks

Where does the study take place?

• All study procedures are online

Participants will receive $25 for completing the study. Student participants will receive 7.5 hours of Illinois Tech psychology course research or extra credit instead of monetary compensation if enrolled through the SONA system.

To take part in this research study or for more information, please contact Liz Dougherty at or 312.567.5201.