Electrical and Computer Engineering Research Seminar Series: Flexible and Faithful Federated Learning and Unlearning Methods

The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering will continue its Seminar Series on Friday, October 6, 2023, from 12:45–1:45 p.m. in Siegel Hall, room 118, featuring guest speaker Professor Ermin Wei, Associate Professor at the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department and Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences Department of Northwestern University.

In the talk, titled “Flexible and Faithful Federated Learning and Unlearning Methods,” Professor Ermin Wei will talk about how Federated learning enables machine learning algorithms to be trained over decentralized edge devices without requiring the exchange of local datasets.

This seminar is open to everyone at Illinois Tech. For more information regarding this seminar, please contact the ECE department at 312.567.3400 or ece@iit.edu.