The culmination of the fall semester’s Interprofessional Projects (IPRO) Program was held on IPRO Day on Friday, November 21, 2014. Ninety teams exhibited their semester-long work throughout Hermann Hall. Dedicated panels of workplace professionals, faculty, and graduate students devoted several hours evaluating the IPRO projects. A special feature of IPRO Day was continued with IIT’s academic deans selecting an IPRO project to recognize.
The IPRO Program team thanks all of the students, faculty, support staff, guests, judges, and sponsors for making this an exceptional IPRO Day. It is particularly noteworthy as we complete 20 years of the Inteprofessional Project experience this fall. We have come a long way since “IPRO One,” the first IPRO course prototype, which was offered for the spring 1995 semester. Founded and guided by professors Hassan Nagib and Kevin Meade (MMAE), it focused on the topic of the future of high-speed rail.
Mark your calendars now for the 2015 IPRO Days on April 24, July 24, and November 20.
Fall 2014 IPRO Day Recognition Awards
Following the exhibit evaluations and lunch, IPRO Day participants gathered in Hermann Hall Auditorium for the recognition award ceremony with reflections by Provost Alan Cramb, announcement of the top teams in each track, and announcements by our academic deans of the Dean’s Choice selections. The video award was announced separately following IPRO Day.
Top Track Awards
Traditional IPRO Sections
Track 1—IPRO 497-363 IIT Pride: Improving Student & University Community Engagement
Track 2—IPRO 497-313 Refuelable Electric Vehicle
Track 3—IPRO 497-380 Marketing & Social Media that Supports Baseball Technology Innovations
Multi-IPRO Themed Clusters
Track 4—IPRO 497-01E – Redline Extension (Community Engagement Innovation Cluster)
Track 5—IPRO 497-03D Maker Breakers (STEM Education Innovation Cluster)
Track 6—IPRO 497-04A – The GrowPros (New Venture Innovation Cluster)
Track 7—IPRO 497-05E – Transportation C (Urban Systems Innovation I)
Track 8—IPRO 497-05F – Waste & Recycling (Urban Systems Innovation II)
Interprofessional by Design Workshops
Track 9—IPRO 397-100-R1 – CorkBoard (Digital Service Design Concepts I)
Track 10—IPRO 397-100-R9 – Pocket Explorer (Digital Service Design Concepts II)
Track 11—IPRO 397-200-F5 – The Caterer (Product Design Concepts I)
Track 12—IPRO 397-200-F8 – Ambi-Desk (Product Design Concepts II)
Track 13—IPRO 397-300-T2B (Golf Innovation I)
Track 14—IPRO 397-300-T5A (Golf Innovation II)
Track 15—IPRO 397-400-W2A (Golf Innovation III)
Track 16—IPRO 397-400-W5B (Golf Innovation IV)
Video Award
IPRO 497-305—Developing an Antimatter Gravity Interferometer (view here)
Dean’s Choice Awards
Lewis College of Human Sciences
Presented by Dean Christine Himes
IPRO 497-05H Fast Fresh Fruit (Track 8)
College of Architecture
Presented by Bob Krawczyk, professor and associate dean of academic affairs, representing Dean Weil Arets
IPRO 497-346 Sky’s the Limit: Retracing the Technological Evolution of Aviation and its Impact on Architecture (Track 3)
School of Applied Technology
Presented by Dean Bob Carlson
IPRO 497-380 Marketing & Social Media that Supports Baseball Technology Innovations (Track 3)
Armour College of Engineering
Presented by Dean Natacha DePaola
IPRO 497-301 Exploring Opportunities for Healthcare Infrastructure in Developing Countries: Focus on METLIFE Peru (Track 1)
College of Science
Presented by Dean Russell Betts
IPRO 497-06 Made in USA: Innovating Making in America (Track 2)
Stuart School of Business
Presented by Nik Rokop, Industry Assistant Professor of Entrepreneurship, representing Dean Harvey Kahalas
IPRO 497-02 UFarmIIT: Urban Agriculture on Campus and in Community (Track 1)