Illinois Tech Architecture Ph.D. Program Hosts International Teaching Workshop

Group Photo

GAHTC members gather on the steps of S.R. Crown Hall.

An annual international gathering of architectural historians was hosted by the Illinois Institute of Technology Ph.D. program in Architecture over the weekend of October 16. The 2015 workshop of the Global Architectural History Teaching Collaborative (GAHTC), an innovative organization of educators from around the world, met in Chicago to develop curricular approaches for architectural history courses. The local hosting committee was led by Assistant Professor Joseph L. Clarke and included Professor Michelangelo Sabatino and students from the Illinois Tech Ph.D. program in architecture.

The workshop began on October 16, when Sabatino and Clarke participated in “Chicago’s Global History,” a public roundtable discussion held in partnership with the Chicago Architecture Biennial. The university was represented at this event by Provost Frances Bronet. On October 17 and October 18, 60 architectural historians from six continents gathered in S.R. Crown Hall to discuss pedagogical challenges and to develop new course content. The workshop concluded with a tour of the Illinois Tech campus led by Clarke.

GAHTC cofounder Mark Jarzombek leads a discussion.

GAHTC cofounder Mark Jarzombek leads a discussion.