New! Gift Dropbox at Office of Advancement

If your department receives a check, there is no longer a need to organize a pickup with a member of Advancement or use interoffice mail delivery. Instead, bring all checks and corresponding documents to the Office of Advancement located on the 17th floor of the Michael Paul Galvin Tower. To the left of the main entrance is a bright red dropbox where all checks and documents should be securely dropped.

Any and all gifts that your department receives should be delivered to Advancement as soon as possible, preferably the same day it is received. Gifts should never be held in your department longer than necessary or sent to the Controller’s Office or Student Accounting.

When you plan to drop off a check, please use this Advancement Gift Dropbox notification form (add to your bookmarks!). There will also be a paper copy and QR code at the dropbox for your convenience.

Please note that any document, letter, email, or even envelope that corresponds to a gift is considered part of gift compliance. Accompanying documents should always be included when dropping off a check. Plus, this ensures the gift is designated per the donor’s wishes—and that you can spend it! Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

If you have any questions, please contact